Monday, August 17, 2009

We trapped Diane's redtail a couple days ago. It's a female we named Bodega.

She was sitting on a fence post, as we got close she flew off and landed in a tree. So we drove past and turned around to drop the trap in a better position and she took off again. We followed her down the road, we could see her looking back at us as we were following was pretty funny. She then landed in another tree and we dropped the trap on the way by and drove down the road to turn around, 3 or 4 min. later she was hooked up.

More to come. I hope you enjoy the pics

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well it's finally warming up, it's more like spring now. The bears are hitting the bait hard, the hawks are molting. We will probably go hunting next weekend.
Lillianna caught an 8 lbs pike last Saturday, she was really excited lol

Zane caught a big pike this Saturday. It weighed 21lbs 11oz and measured 46 inches. We were all really exited. the fight lasted about 15 min in total. We got video and a few pics, then we released the big guy. The fish looked in really good shape when he swam off, maybe I'll catch it next time :) We got most of it on video, I'll up load it later.
Here are a couple of pics of the fish.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Picked up my bees today, hoping for lots of honey again this fall.
Spring bear season is on, been busy hauling bait. Zane wants to shoot a bear this year with his bow, he's practicing and getting ready. Hopefully we'll have a pic of him and his bear on here soon.
I'm planning on getting an eyass goshawk this year...if I can find a nest and get a permit, it will be nice having a baby hawk again.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well so far I haven't kept up my blog like I had planned, or even let anyone know about it lol. A few things have happened since I was here last, was to a few 3D shoots, have some more hunting and fishing stories, started a new position at work. I work in the Grain Receiving dept. instead of the lab now, it seems to be ok so far.
I also started Bee Keeping last spring, it's a pretty cool hobby. The honey we harvested was really good everyone seemed to like it.
I have a bunch of pics to post, hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Peace for now